After a few weeks of
boot training, getting uniforms, haircuts, learning to eat Army chow, etc. I
was assigned to my Primary Flying school at Souther Field in Americus Georgia.

Stearman PT-17 |
My First Airplane - a Stearman |
Class of 43G at Souther Field,
Americus, GA. L-R Cadets Paul Wine, ??, Hank Meierdierick
I guess that it
was early January 1943 when we arrived at Souther Field at Americus
Georgia. It was a very nice civilian school with civilian flight
instructors and Military check pilots. We flew open
Hank, ??, Paul Wine, Murphy, Instructor Paul
cockpit Stearman PT 17 trainers. I think that I soloed after 5 or 6
hours. My instructor was a very pleasant young man named Paul Lohr. He
lives near Ann Arbor Mi. and we correspond to this day. I still think
that the basics of flying that he instilled in me and the importance
of keeping my eyes open and to look all over the sky, is one of the
reasons that I am still alive today.
My favorite
flying trick, being a young 'HOT PILOT', was to climb the Stearman
to 3000 feet, put it on its back and glide to about 1000 feet, start
the engine and climb back up and do it again. Not too smart since I
had to depend on the wind to turn the prop to get the engine going.
Another fun thing to do was to try to hit a buzzard with the wing. I
never was successful but it did teach you the turning limits of the
The weather was
very chilly up in the sky and we were outfitted in bulky sheepskin
flying suits. We had excellent food and learned a great deal about
flying from our air and Ground School instructors. After about 60
hours of flying I was sent to Courtland Alabama to continue my
training at a Basic Flying School.
At this school we were
introduced to a more powerful flying machine, the BT-13, made by the VULTEE
AIRCRAFT CO. Nicknamed The Vultee Vibrator. [A big jump from the Stearman
PT17]. It was an all metal airplane with a bigger engine, variable pitch
propeller etc,. It also was a low wing monoplane. It didn't take long to
become accustomed to this plane. We learned formation takeoffs, formation
flying and many other flying techniques.
One of the trickier
things that they taught us, was short field landings over an obstacle. They
put two tall poles about 20 feet high with a string between them in the center
of an auxiliary field. The trick was to land a very short distance past the
string, without breaking it. Great fun and every landing was a crash landing.
The technique we used
was to fly close to the stall and as you passed over the string, cut the
throttle and the plane would drop. [Not unlike the way we land a U2 except
that we fly very close to the ground before we stall it]. This aircraft had
integral fuel tanks in the wings and from dropping it in from 15 feet, we
ruptured the tanks and they started leaking fuel.I think that we were the the
last class to do this since we were damaging the planes. We each received
about 60 hours more flying time and after a proficiency check, were sent to
advanced flying school.
Here at Craig Field in Selma
Alabama, we were introduced to the North American AT-6,again,a much more
powerful plane with retractable landing gear. This was a dangerous time for
pilots since we had about 120 hours and thought that we were HOT. I survived
the test and returned to my home in Newark, in all my glory, for a few days
My next assignment
was to Page Field in Ft. Meyers Fl. for fighter tactics and training in
the P-47 Thunderbolt, a monstrous, powerful airplane. The base didn't
have any airplanes when we arrived at there. We were eager to fly when we
saw our first P-47 being flown in. It made a beautiful landing and we all
crowded around to look at it. When the pilot, a small, young gal who
needed wood chocks to reach the rudder pedals, climbed out, our egos were
Mildred came down
and we were married but that is covered in another chapter. It took about
two months to complete the flying and ground school schedule but we were
'FIGHTER PILOTS' when the time was up. I guess we flew about 60 hours
more and now I have almost 200 hours flying time and was ready to go to
combat. Watch out HUN, here I come.
We were sent here to
receive our overseas assignment. Nothing was happening for a few days, so I
took a trip back to Americus GA. to visit my Primary Instructor to let him
know that his faith in my flying ability was fruitful. When I returned two
days later, all of my class had shipped out to overseas posts and I was there
alone. Now what? I did a little flying locally since again, nothing was
happening. Then they asked me if I wanted to go to 'Ground Air Support'? I
agreed and off I went to be a Reconnaissance Pilot. We were sent to Charlotte
N. C.
Millie and I rode the
bus for a couple days and nights and were dead tired when we arrived in
Charlotte North Carolina. We found, probably the only vacant hotel room in
town and got some much needed rest and a shower. I reported to the base the
next morning and was informed that the unit that I was assigned to the 22nd
Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron of the 74th Tac. Rcn. Gp., had moved to Camp
Campbell Ky. Back on the bus and another hot and dirty ride to Hopkinsville
Ky. I left Millie in a hotel and went to the base to sign in. Our first job
was to find a place to live, an almost impossible job in a small town next to
a very large Army base. There was a canteen run by the Red Cross and when I
stopped for a doughnut, I asked the lady about a room. She said that there was
a vacancy coming up that day. I called Millie to rush over and we had a place
to stay.
P-39, P-40 |
The unit
that I was assigned to was the 74th Tactical Reconnaissance Group
and they were equipped with several types of airplanes. The P-40
was our primary plane but I also got to fly the L-5, P-39, P40,
A26, and the UC 78 . We supported the Cavalry by adjusting
artillery fire, reconnaissance,
22d TAC Rcm Sq. L-R: Cracker Face Lewis,
Gordon Dingee, Pappy Hughes, Frank Schlabs, Earl Gosnell,
??, Carl Burak. Squatting: Hank, Vincent Graves, Bob
Monsted, Ralph Voorhees, ?? |
maneuvers and various other jobs including photo of the troops. We
also participated in war games and special photo missions. All in
all a lot of fun and interesting flying.
There were three squadrons and I was assigned to the
22nd Tactical Recon Sq. A very historic squadron from
W W I with the original Shooting Star insignia. Major
Vincent Graves was the Squadron commander. Most of the
pilots had been together for at least a year. It was a
friendly well knit unit and I enjoyed being there.
{Note. I arranged a reunion in Sept. 2001 in Las Vegas
NV. for the few members and widows that I was able to
contact]. Two couples came and they weren't in the
greatest health. There was a lot of camaraderie at our
small officers club. The prevalent saying was 'Every
night is Saturday night and every Saturday night was
New Years Eve.'
The Army
held maneuvers in various nearby states and we would attend as
umpires or as a support group for the ground troops. Again, fun
This is very informal
and a jumbled portion of this epistle so let me tell you of some of our trips.
One in particular occurred when we were enroute to N.J. and as usual, driving
at night. Doing about 60 MPH on a two lane highway someplace in Tenn. or who
knows where, we came to the crest of a hill and there were four headlights
coming toward us at a great rate of speed. Before I could react, the two
vehicles split and one went on either side of us. That was enough to slow me
down. Another time we had just left Hopkinsville Ky. and were going through a
small town when we were pulled over by the local constable at a speed trap,
The officer accused me of speeding and would not let me proceed. I had to
appear before the local ORDINARY. {actually a local judge} I went to the court
house and appeared before him. To say the least, I was very irate, and to coin
a phrase, very pissed off. They read the charges, etc ,etc. Then I spoke and
said that he was the most ordinary that I had ever seen. Then I shut up
realizing that he could lock me up and ruin my whole Christmas trip. I was
fined a few dollars and allowed to proceed on my way to N.J. I learned to shut
up in court. In fact I never have won any court case that I've been involved
in. So it goes.
You are beginning to
understand how frequently we moved. Our unit received orders to move to De
Ridder Louisiana. Talk about a housing shortage, the local hotel would allow
you stay only three nights
Mildred and I at a party
at a time, then out. The government opened the old officers barracks and let
the couples live in them. Let me try to describe them. One room, about ten
feet by ten feet, with a partition down the center [making it a two bedroom
unit] that did not reach the ceiling or the floor. Each room had two GI cots,
one footlocker, one small table outside the rooms, a bathroom at the end of
the community room with a curtain hanging down. Privacy ? Never entered our
mind. We survived somehow.
Millie was getting
close to having a baby [ 7-8 months] so she went to the local hospital ?.
While there she saw the Doctor coming down the stairs with blood all over him,
so she came home and declared 'I'm not going to have my baby born in
Louisiana' We got in my car and a fellow officer joined us and off we go to
New Jersey and Gail was born In Newark. Booze was very difficult to find in
Louisiana so we would send an airplane to another state to fill our needs. One
pilot returned and declared that he had saved about one dollar a bottle. We
examined his purchase. The label read 'Scotch type whiskey made from
potatoes. Guaranteed not to be over 30 days old ' That was the last time
that we let him go on a whiskey run.
P-51 Mustang |
It was necessary to
transition to P-51 Mustangs as that was to be our primary combat aircraft. The
pilots all flew to Miss. and we had some of our Sergeants escort the wives in
convoy to the base. We received our new aircraft, F-6Ds, the photo version of
the Mustang. The only difference was a small oblique mounted in the tail.
Transition was easy enough, we had some training in tactics and use of the
camera and were ready to head overseas.
My brother Victor and
his wife flew down and drove Millie back to N.J. The rest of the wives headed
for their homes and we packed the squadron for deployment. If I remember
correctly, I packed a few bottles of booze in with the squadron equipment in
case there were any snakes at our overseas base in France.
Luckily, our
embarkation was to be from Brooklyn, NY. so I got to go home and see my Mother
and Millie. On the day to depart, Millie drove me to Ft. Dix N.J. where we
were to assemble for the trip overseas. I stopped to fill up the gas tank and
a short time later the engine quit. FUN!! We later learned that the service
station where I had purchased the gas had a leaky storage tank and we filled
up with water. I was able to find a cab and go to the base but I was late and
the group was ready to pull out. Some female Second Lieutenant wasn't going
to let me go with my unit but after some very strong words from me.
I was back on the list
and we all headed for a ship named the BUCKNER for the trip to England. A
troop ship is not fun and this one was no exception. Fully loaded and the hold
stunk from the sick
soldiers. The officers were assigned duty to patrol the ship but I just
couldn't make it down below. We went in convoy with Navy escort since there
were German Subs to contend with. None of our convoy ships were hit but the
ship in front of us lost a propeller and came to a stop and our ship barely
missed a collision at night.
My friend D B Waller
and I had some large fish hooks and heavy twine and fished off the fantail. I
went to lunch and the guy who was watching my line told me that a big fish had
grabbed the bait and snapped the line. True?
We landed at Le Havre
France and immediately were put into '40 and 8' boxcars for the trip to
Strasbourg France. We were in a camp there for a few days before going to our
final destination, Hagenau, which is not too far from the Rhine river, the
Black Forest and the German border.
HE 72D German Plane
L-R: Quinlan, Burak, Hank, DB Waller |
There was a GI theatre
nearby and several of decided to see the film. I brought along one of my
precious bottles of whiskey, stuck inside my flying jacket. During the show,
this bottle slipped out, slowly rolled down my leg and gently went 'PLOP'
as it hit the floor and broke. It only took a few moments for the odor to
permeate the theatre and the GIs on R and R were very noisy trying to
determine where the smell was coming from. I left the theatre.
Our base was on a dirt
field with no amenities. We put up tents for our quarters, mess hall and work
areas. Not too comfortable but then a war was going on. This could be
determined graphically by some bodies and minefields nearby.
I flew 13 combat
missions over Germany but had no aerial combat. We would go out in two plane
elements where the leader was responsible for looking at the ground for troop
movement, trains, tanks, etc. and the wingman scanned the skies for enemy
activity. The plane was equipped with an oblique camera in the tail and we
would photograph any noteworthy activity. We were not to fire our six 50 cal.
guns unless attacked but it was a rare mission that didn't use up all the
ammo on some target of opportunity.
VE day came and we
packed for home but with one proviso, we would get 30 days leave in the USA
and then on to the Pacific theater. We had a small officers club at Hagenau
and someone hung up a noose with a sign that said 'You don't have to go to
the Far East.'
A fellow officer, Lt.
Carl Burak and myself took a trip through Germany. This was just as the war
was over. We went to Mannheim just two days after our Army had captured the
town. It was a mass of rubble. Carl and I went into a sort of apartment
building basement and met some German men. Carl spoke Ukranian and wanted to
talk to these men. He faced about 6 of them and I stayed about 10 feet in back
of him.
These men were not very
happy after having been invaded a few days before. As Carl was trying to talk,
the man directly in front of him held a bicycle tire in a very tight grip. I
called to Carl and said' Carl, don't look back at me, just slowly move to
the rear and pull out your 45, these men would like to kill us'. He did as I
said and we both backed slowly out of the area, with pistols drawn. It was
dumb on our part to go in there in the first place.
I was able on another
trip, to find my neighbor and lifelong friend Capt. Bob Bennis, someplace in
Germany. I also took a hitchhiking trip with Lt. DB Waller to find his brother
who was in the Army. We had a good idea of where he was and as we got close,
an Army officer gave us a ride in a jeep to the castle like building where he
was living. We thanked him for the ride and then tried to enter the building
but all gates were locked. We could see some light from under a gate and I
bent down to see if there was any activity inside. [Note: I had a pack on my
back and inside the pack was a bottle of whiskey that we were going to share
with his brother] As I bent down to look, the bottle of booze slid from my
pack and broke and that was the end of our planned evening. We did find his
brother and they had some libations for us.
We processed through several
camps, one was called Camp Philip Morris and then we boarded the USS United
States at Southampton for a fast four day crossing to New York. While home on
leave the Big Bomb was dropped so they cancelled our deployment to the Far
East. GOOD !! I then received orders to report to the 69th, Tactical
Reconnaissance Group at Mac Dill field in Tampa Florida.
This was the lull after
the war ended. We disbanded our unit and most everybody was discharged, People
were granted a discharge according to the points that they had accrued, ie: 5
for a battle star, some for months overseas, etc,. Well I had flown down into
the Po Valley in Italy so we were awarded 5 points for that campaign. Many
enlisted men contacted me for certification so that they could get the extra
points to be discharged. We only stayed a short time and moved on to Stuttgart
This was another base
in the middle of nowhere. We spent a lot of time flying against the Army on
maneuvers and being umpires on war exercises. Our quarters were minimal but we
survived. The best part of this assignment was that it was right in the middle
of the best duck hunting territory in America. Every morning before I went to
the base I would go out in the flooded woods and bag 10 ducks and two geese,
the local limit. I can't think of anything special that happened, on to our
next assignment
With the war being
over, there wasn't much happening to keep the pilots busy. We flew a few
P-51s in support of Army maneuvers but generally hung around. By this time we
had Gail, shared an upstairs apartment with another Lieutenant and his wife.
Times were easy and we just kind of lazed around. Finally orders came and we
went to the 363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Group at Langley AFB in Hampton
Quarters were very hard
to find in the area but we did rent a cold damp basement apartment, with worms
in the shower drain. Again I don't remember very much activity at this base.
We flew P-51 aircraft and Hampton Virginia was a pleasant place to live.
I was sent to Denver
Colorado to attend a Statistical Control School. On a warm day, Millie and I
and Gail went to a lake for the day to swim and picnic. On the way home Millie
said that she had left Gail's bathing suit hanging on a bush. Back we went
to get it. We found it but while I was shooting at prairie dogs, I had my 22
ammo in my pocket. Each time that I would put my hand in for a cartridge, I
inadvertently pulled out some dollar bills that were blown away with the wind.
We headed on towards
home and had a flat tire. I put the spare on and had the tire repaired at a
gas station. Pretty soon I had another flat and put the repaired tire back on.
That lasted about five miles and then it also blew out. Examining the tire
carcass I noticed that the people at the garage had put some trash into the
tire and that was what caused the blowout. There we were and it was night time
to boot.
I had Millie and the
baby with me and had to get them home, so there was no alternative except to
ride on the rim. We slowly went on but it was very noisy. Then the rim started
to become square and now we had the bumps besides the noise. I guess we went
ten miles that way and finally arrived home but about that time the brakes
went out. Seems the pounding loosened the fluid lines and we lost all the
fluid. The next day I had the brakes repaired. I think that going back for a
three dollar bathing suit cost me several hundred dollars. Now, if we forget
something, it stays where it is.
Talking about losing
things, we took a trip to the Northeast and decided to drive up Mt Washington.
This in itself was dumb since it was during tire rationing days and in those
days the road up the mountain wasn't paved, but I had to drive up there. Up
we went , when we got near the top I had a flat. I unloaded the trunk and got
the spare out, put it on and away we went. That night we looked for Gail's
clothes. No clothes. The suitcase that had all her clothes was still on top of
the mountain. No, I didn't go back up for them.
About this time, 1945,
the Air Force was going through a RIF [reduction in force ] and my being a
Reserve officer [versus a Regular ] I was slated to be selected out, a polite
phrase. At that time the Air Force offered a M/Sgt. rating to any officer that
wanted to re-enlist. We talked it over and since we loved the service,
didn't have any job to return to and no money, we decided that I would
re-enlist at March AFB in Riverside Calif. and visit friends enroute.
We bought a used 1938
Cadillac prior to our leaving on this trip to the west coast, I also bought a
set a good tires for it. In the middle of Texas, on a two lane road with
nothing in sight, we were cruising at about 70MPH. In the distance I saw a
pickup truck coming our way. So what? But just as he neared us he made a
sudden left turn in front of me and into a graveled area where there were two
or three stores set back about 100 feet from the road. My only recourse, to
miss him, was to go to my right on the gravel and fishtail till I could come
to a stop, Right up against a large cottonwood tree. To say that I was pissed
is a great understatement. He had stopped by the store and was still in the
I got out of my car,
ran up to him and shouted, 'You SOB etc. etc, You almost killed me and my
family. I ought to shoot you.!! I think I will.' I ran back to my car and
behind the seat I had a loaded 12 gauge shotgun. I grabbed it and started back
when Millie was screaming for me to stop. I did stop and put the gun away but
went back and really gave him hell.
[Date of rank 28 July 1943]
Upon arrival at March
AFB, there were no enlisted quarters available. The nearest place that we
could find to stay was at a motel in Lake Elsinore, Ca. 30 miles south, that
didn't even have a refrigerator. We used a large tub of ice with a bucket in
the center for our perishables. They delivered ice every day. On Saturdays a
very old man would deliver the ice and asked Millie ' Did the boys take good
care of you during the week'?. Those boys were afraid to deliver on the
weekends when the husbands were home.
At the base I was
assigned to the Statistical Control Office. A humdrum paper job. I, of course
knew many of the pilots in the First Fighter Group and used to spend time in
their ready room talking, playing ping pong etc,, This perplexed the Squadron
Commandeer who wondered who this Sergeant was that was hanging around his
This wasn't too happy
a time for me since I wasn't flying, spending six gallons of gasoline a day
to commute and all on a Sergeants pay. My predicament didn't last too long
[three months ] when Lady Luck smiled on me again. A flying school classmate,
whose wife was Millie's Maid of Honor at our wedding, passed through and we
had a talk. He went back to Andrews AFB and talked with his Group Commander,
Colonel Herkey Green and they went to the Pentagon to try and get me recalled
to active duty. Somehow it worked and I received orders reinstating me as a
First Lieutenant Pilot and reporting to the Fourth Fighter Group at Andrews
AFB Md. A wonderful day.
You won't believe the
next story. We were in north Texas headed for Lawrence Kansas to visit my WW
II Squadron Commander, Vince Graves, when we stopped for gas. I was driving
the Cadillac and was towing a small luggage trailer. I noticed that the
weather was pretty bad and it was almost dusk. I asked the station attendant
if the road that I was going to take was in good shape. He assured me that it
was paved and off we went . The road was newly paved for about a mile and then
it was newly graded. About one half mile further on the rains came. In
torrents and then is when I found out that the road had a thin layer of dirt
over a clay base. It didn't take me long to bog down caused mostly by the
clay sticking to the underside of all the fenders. So, out I went and scraped
the clay from the fenders and dug a dry path a short way in front of each
wheel. Back in the car I changed out of my wet clothes. I started up and we
were able to slither again for a short ways when we again bogged down . Hoping
that we would get out of the clay area in a short time, again, out I went and
dug us out.
Changed out of the wet
clothes and tried to go a little further. And we did make another quarter of a
mile when 'here we go again'. I tried once more but we were on a small
incline and after changing clothes, decided to spend the night in the car. But
,I had just settled down when I saw some headlights coming. I opened the
window and waved him on. He went about 50 feet and he bogged down too. He got
out of his car and walked back to talk to us. Seems he had just gotten out of
the service and his wife was having a baby in the next town and he was anxious
to get home. He said 'I'll pull you out' I laughed cause he was in a
small ford and we were on a small incline. He said 'We can do it '.
Beside us at the side
of the road was a lot of road construction equipment. He went over and started
up a humongus Cat and Carryall. About the biggest that I had ever seen. He
spun it around on the newly graded road a few times and then brought it over
so that I could hitch onto it . He then proceeded to pull me over the grade
and partly down the road. Back he went to get his car and I aimed it while he
towed it. He had really torn up the highway by now. He parked the Cat and
Carryall next to the road . We chained my car and my small trailer behind his
car and off we went. If I started to slide off the road, he would step on the
gas and it would snap me back in line. If he started to slide off, I would
ease up and snap him back. On and on we went through the night till we finally
arrived in Dalhart Texas about dawn.
We unhooked and he went
on home to his wife. Millie and Gail and I had breakfast. in a small
restaurant and I was clad in my last clothing. a flying jacket and swimming
trunks, We had gone 35 miles. The speedometer read over a hundred from the
tires spinning and we had used about 25 gallons of gas. We took a nap and then
went on to visit our friends. The tires would smoke from scraping on the clay
caked under the fenders and we looked like we were climbing uphill from the
weight of the clay on the car. We finally made it to Lawrence, Kansas and the
next day I washed the car and trailer. The street was red for blocks from the
red clay that I washed off the car. .
Again, quarters were
very hard to find but we did survive, somehow. I was sent to a school in
Aurora Colorado for the months of July and August. A most delightful place to
be at that time of year. Back to Maryland and I was flying the F-80, the USAFs
first Jet Fighter, [Can't believe that it was 59 years ago that I had my
first Jet flight]
My First Jet. An F-80 at 4th Fighter Gp, Andrews AFB,
MD 1946 |
I was only there a
short time and had garnered 44 hours of Jet time when we received orders to
transfer to the Panama Canal Zone. This was a surprise but a welcome one
because we would be in a strange country, flying RF-80s [jet] and my family
would be with me and we were looking forward to an adventurous couple of
years. There were several problems involved.
Millie was pregnant,
three months, and I would not get quarters at the base or government
transportation until the baby was six months old. I did not relish the thought
of such a long separation. Knowing HANK, I had faith that I could solve this
problem, and I did.
First I had to get
Millie settled at my Mothers house in Newark, then I had to get to New Orleans
LA. to be on a ship to Panama. [An adventure in itself.[ See CARS ]But My
Mother and Millie are great friends and she and Gail were settled in, with a
car. I somehow made it to New Orleans, with very little money .[Military pay
is not very lucrative] and boarded the boat for Panama. I think that I arrived
with ten dollars and change. Now what to do to get my family down?. Maybe
I'll change my name to 'LUCKY' because LUCK did change our life again.
On my first night in
Panama they had a Las Vegas night at the Officers Club. I wandered around and
finally inserted about three nickels in the slot machine and won a five dollar
jackpot. I had four dimes, dropped them in the machine and won ten dollars in
the jackpot. The same with a few quarters for twenty five dollars and one
fifty cent piece gave me fifty dollars more. Now I had a stake. I went
upstairs to the poker game and before the night was over I had over four
hundred dollars in my pocket.
The next day I got busy
with the transportation office and found out that the COLON, the Pan Canal
ship, and one of the largest in the US fleet, was due to leave Brooklyn for a
trip during Christmas and there was lots of room on board. For $75 I was able
to get my car on board and tickets for Millie and Gail. Couldn't believe it,
now we would not have to wait till the baby was six months old to have my
family with me.
Things were not going
too smoothly for Millie back in N.J. I had phoned her and the overseas calls
in those day were by radio. The conversation went something like this. 'Take
the car to 24 State St.' 'eighth street' 'Yes, 24 State St.'
'Eighth street' 'Yes State St.' So here goes Millie and Grandma over
to NYC and trying to find the shipping docks on eighth St. It must have been
fun since they were flirting with every Irish cop within miles of the docks.
But they did get the car disposed of and they went back to N.J.
We also had a small
luggage trailer that had to be sold since it was chained to a tree in front of
the house. This was sold about 30 minutes before Millie left. She had ordered
a taxi to take her to the shipping docks to get on the ship for the trip to
Panama. The taxi ride was about 10 miles as the crow flies but the night
before she was to leave a blizzard was forecast and it started to snow
heavily. The taxi arrived four hours early so that they would be sure to get
there on time. And they made the departure time, thanks to a 'Good
The next item of
business was to find a place to live in Panama. I found an apartment in the
heart of Colon. Not too nice but livable as long as you sprinkled Lysol on the
stairs every day to obliterate the urine smell.
Millie had a very rough
trip down due to the weather off Cape Hatteras but I'll cover that later. I
met them at the dock and she wasn't too impressed with the apartment that I
had rented but it was the best that I could do. I gave Millie $50 to buy new
clothes after the baby was born but two weeks later I saw a beautiful Tonkin
Cane surf rod and there went her $50. There weren't too many places to
purchase nice clothes except in the Base Exchange and that was where everybody
else bought their clothes.
You just read
about their getting to the ship in the snowstorm. The ship belonged to the Pan
Canal Co and was the second largest ship owned by the USA. They left on time
and Millie not being a good sailor found that if she bundled in a blanket on a
deck chair she would be comfortable. She would have been happy to spend the
whole trip right there.
A lady passenger
took Gail down for dinner and the kids were given hard Christmas candy. Gail
returned to the deck and promptly choked on the candy and threw up. A steward
took her down and cleaned her up but left the smelly clothes in the stateroom.
About midnight they cleared the decks due to the impending weather and rough
seas and when Millie opened the stateroom door, the smell was overpowering and
she promptly got sick too. Her fur coat was covered with the nasty stuff so
she threw it out in the hall hoping that the steward would throw it overboard.
The rest of the trip
was very rough and not as pleasant as one would expect on such a large liner
but they finally arrived in Panama and I was at the dock to meet them. The
steward gave her a box and when we opened it, there was the smelly fur coat.
The apartment that I
rented was on the second floor, right in the middle of the toughest
neighborhood in Panama. We had a little balcony that overlooked a long
tenement and the separation was only six feet. We could see into the tenement,
hear their arguments and smell their cooking which was generally done just
outside of their doors. It was very hot and humid and I generally slept in the
nude. One night I heard a thump on the patio and Millie awakened and said
'Hank, there is somebody in the apartment!!' I jumped out of bed to
investigate and all the time Millie is shouting 'Get your pants, get your
gun, get your pants, get your gun.'
From the patio I could
see a native crouching on the tenement roof. I had my shotgun in my hand and
could have easily picked him off but the law in Panama is that if you shoot
someone, you have to do it in your own home. I would have had to shoot him,
put my clothes on, run downstairs, get into the tenement, climb on to the
roof, carry him down and around the block to my building and then drag him up
the stairs and into the apartment and all the time avoiding and evading the
hundreds of natives that lived in the tenement. I wisely decided not to do
that but I put on my pants to go downstairs to get a cop and telling Millie
that if he tries to jump onto the patio again, to use the machete and chop off
his arms. I found a cop right by my building and while trying to explain, he
kept saying 'MANANA'. The thief took my pants and wallet but I found the
wallet in the adjoining alley and nothing was taken out of it.
Going out on the
streets was always an adventure since the Panamanians really didn't like the
Americans. Once Millie was downtown driving our car and at the stoplight a
bunch of people started climbing on the hood and roof. She did the correct
thing, put the car in gear, started to go forward and they all were thrown
off. Our car had a vacuum shift that would sometimes stick in gear. This
happened to Millie in the middle of downtown Colon. Luckily there was an
airman there and he came to her and fixed the problem so she could drive off.
As a matter of
interest, I was in Colon on 1977 and when passengers got off the train, they
were behind a tall chain link fence and were not allowed to proceed any
further. It just wasn't safe for Americans.
I bought a Servel
refrigerator that worked on 25, 40 or 60 cycle electric or propane. It never
seemed to make ice cubes. After a few weeks ,we got our first electric bill,
about $40. To test our usage, I shut everything off in the apartment and
checked that the meter had stopped. Now I turned on a 100 watt bulb and timed
the meter. Then I plugged in the refrigerator and sure enough, I was using
about 2500 watts an hour. The next electric bill was about $120 and I didn't
pay that either.
About this time I was
assigned to quarters in the Canal Zone that the French had built when they
tried to dig the canal back in the 1700s. But back to the refrigerator. I put
it up for sale and it sold right away because you could run it on gas out
where there wasn't any electricity. A Panamanian bought it but three days
later he looked me up in the Canal Zone and said that it wouldn't get cold
[can you imagine that?} I said that I had guaranteed it and I would look at
it. When I arrived at where he had taken it, I took the lower front cover off
and looked under it. 'Here is your problem, you had it shut off ' and I
proceeded to make believe that I was turning a knob under the machine. Put the
plate back on and left. I wonder if he ever did get it to cool off.
Now that I had moved
into the Canal Zone, I decided to pay the electric bill, which was over $200.
I went into the office of the electric company and asked for my bill. He told
me what it was. I took my checkbook out and was starting to write out the
correct amount. About half way through, I stopped and asked ' What will you
do if I don't pay this?' He said 'Sir, if you don't pay the bill, you
can never get electricity again in the Republic of Panama. ' I said
'Imagine that' as I tore up my check and walked out of the building. That
was in 1947 and I haven't tried to get electricity since.
C-47 and Buttonose RF80. |
Panama |
We were flying RF-80s,
a photo reconnaissance jet plane and the DC-3 'Gooney Bird. On my first day
at France field, I checked in with the base commander. He asked me if I knew
how to pilot the C-47 [DC-3} and I said 'NO SIR'. He then asked if I liked
to fly cross country flights. I of course answered YES. He said 'Well you
better check out' I went to the flight line, had an instructor pilot ride
with me, I shot 43 landings, day and night and I was cleared to fly it. Soon
after that I was made an Instructor Pilot in the C-47 and have held that
rating ever since. One reason is that when I'm in an airplane I want to fly
it and besides I get sick in the rear.
A few weeks after
my arrival, I was interviewed by the local Canal Zone paper. The headlines the
next day were ' although jets will be new to Panama, it is an old story to
1st Lt. John H Meierdierck' Note; I had 44 hours of Jet time that I had just
flown at the 4th Fighter Group.
Me and RF 80 at 4th TAC in Panama |
I made many trips
through the Caribbean chain, all through South America and a trip to and
around the USA. On this trip we were flying at night and passing over Cuba. I
guess that I was dozing because I looked out the left seat window and was
startled by a bright red glow. It was the moon.
The USA was closing all the small bases in the Caribbean and I used to fly
there and visit the officers clubs where they were trying to dispose of their
liquor stocks. I bought many cases of booze for $3 to $5 and brought them back
to Panama.
I was allowed to fly a
B17 to the states {only as copilot} and I also flew a C-47 to and all around
the states.
Our quarters assignment
in the Canal Zone was at the old French Quarters by Gatun Locks, that they had
built when they tried to dig the canal back in the 1700s. We were on the
second floor of this rickety wooden building with nothing below us except the
spindly tall support poles. There was only one train [called the Panama
Donkey} that crossed the Isthmus and it went right by our house. As it climbed
the small hill nearby, it chugged and with every 'CHUG' our quarters
shook. We always held on to something until it passed on up the hill. Luckily,
it only came by once a day and that was enough.
The weather was
beautiful, the living was easy so we just kind of relaxed. After a few months
they closed France Field and we moved across the Isthmus to Howard Field and
we had very nice quarters on the base. They were right across the street from
the Little Officers club and as the people left the club they could see our
bedroom window. 'Lets wake up Hank and Millie was the cry most every
We had several Majors
and Captain pilots in the squadron but I guess that they were inept since I
was assigned the position as Operations. Quite a prestigious position for a
Ist Lt.
We flew our RF-80s back
to Sacramento Ca. and were awaiting our new planes, the F-84. With no planes
to fly, we were all assigned base support jobs. I was named assistant
commissary officer and the day I checked in, the Commissary Officer went to
the hospital and I was IT.
This was a strange job
for me but I enjoyed it. The first thing that I realized was that each
individual squadron mess had been 'forced issue' many items that they did
not need. I called all the mess Sergeants into my office and told them
'Gather all the food that you do not want in your storage areas, bring them
in and we will add up their value, then go through the Commissary and buy what
you really need, sugar, coffee, etc.etc. 'Well, I was the most popular man
on the base in the eyes of the enlisted men'. I also supported the missions
throughout Central and South America. I also became very popular with those
people when I allowed then to purchase all the cigarettes that they desired.
I'm sure that they made a few dollars from them on the Black Market but that
was their problem, not mine.
Our planes finally did
arrive but I continued to fly support missions in the C-47 plus reconnaissance
photo missions in the RF 80. Lots of good trips to Central and South America.
Then the 36th Fighter Group arrived with their own aircraft [F-82s] and were
supposed to remain there but they received surprise orders and the whole group
continued on to Germany. When they flew their F-82s to Panama, I was flying
above them in an RF-80 and took photos of their formation.
While stationed there
our son, J H was born at Coco Solo Naval Hospital. His was the last birth
before they closed the Navy base and hospital. We had three maids to do the
housework, laundry and baby-sit Jay and Gail.
Once we had planned a
fairly large party and being very proud of my ability to speak Spanish, I told
the maids to take the next day off but be sure to be there on Saturday to help
with the party. They all answered 'Si'. When they returned to work on the
following Monday, they all swore that I had given them a three day pass. That
is the last time that I gave them instructions in Spanish.
With the three maids to
help Millie with caring for Gail and Jay, the laundry etc,, she had little to
do, so she applied and was hired for a job as the Supply Chiefs secretary {GS
3 } but that only lasted a short time when things changed again.
There were lots of wild
jungle animals around the base . We quite frequently saw Anteaters, and other
jungle animals in our yard plus one day we found a Three Toed Sloth hanging
onto the water pipes in the downstairs laundry. There was a yearly invasion of
land crabs heading from the jungle and going to the sea. There were millions
and it was impossible to drive around them hence when we ran over them, their
guts splashed all over the car and had to be washed every day. I even saw a
Black Panther on the runway one day as I was taking off in a jet. They are not
native to Panama but this one had escaped from a circus several years earlier
and was surviving in the local jungle.
One of our friends
lived next door to us and we started a cribbage game whenever we had the time.
I guess that we played for two years and the stakes were a penny a point and
ten cents a game. On the evening before we left for the states, we finished,
He paid me five cents. That was a pretty even game.
Before leaving on a trip to Lima, Peru, I wrote my bank in Virginia and
asked that a loan of $1000 be deposited in my account. They did and while in
Lima I purchased a complete flatware set of 99.5 sterling silver plus all the
necessary trays, vegetable bowls, etc. I also bought a lot of good wine and
some ceramic mugs. Three days after my return we received orders to take my
car to the dock for shipment to New Orleans and we were to follow a few days
later. Off to Albany Georgia.
Our car was waiting for
us when we landed in New Orleans so we took some leave and made the long trip
to Newark, N.J. to see my Mother and to show her our son Jay. After a few days
there we headed South and arrived in Albany, Ga. on a hot Sunday afternoon. At
the end of the road that entered the air base was a small gulf gas station. I
stopped for some gas and a one legged man came out and he was the owner. I
asked to buy a beer and he told me that it was illegal to sell beer on Sunday
in Georgia but he gave me one. At that time a large truck that was loaded with
watermelons stopped nearby. I asked the driver if he would sell me one. He
said ' A penny apiece, one or the whole load '. He was on his way to dump
them in the fields for the pigs to eat. A nice introduction to Albany GA.. and
from then on, I always bought my gas from that gulf station.
Housing was scarce but
we found a fairly nice house to rent on Slappy drive, on the far side of town.
The one proviso was that I had to take care of the many rose bushes that were
on the property. Millie and I had a red dog and some chickens to tend to. The
chickens were no trouble but the dog kept killing the chickens. To break him
of this habit I tied a dead chicken to his collar with wire. I thought that
this would cure him since it was very hot and the chicken stunk. No such luck,
after I cut the chicken away, he got another one so we got rid of the dog.
I was assigned to the
307th Fighter Squadron of the 31st Fighter Wing and we were equipped with F-84
Thunderjets. My first position was as a Flight Commander. Life was easy but we
were very busy and it didn't take too long to amass 1100 hours in various
models of the F-84. We did lots of gunnery, cross country and formation flying
and it was all fun. I also planned and flew several historic long range
flights but I will cover them under FLYING.
Me amd F84 at Turner AFB |
Albany was a friendly
small town and the local populace plus the Military took care of each other.
An example is that Millie wanted to buy some material to make a dress but it
was a little expensive and she didn't want to spend a lot of money. The
salesgirl told her to bring the pattern in and they would lay it out on a
table and cut the exact amount necessary. Try that in a big city.
I was gone on temporary
duty all over the world for long periods of time. The gals had to fend for
themselves and did a great job of raising a family alone. After about six
months we found a small house for $90.00 a month quite close to the base.
Both of our Wing
Commanders, Cols. Schilling and Cy Wilson were great guys. We had a KB 29
Tanker squadron assigned and a Col. would send one of the tankers to the
Northeast for an airplane full of lobsters and we would have a party $I.00 a
person or sometimes they would send one to Ft. Myers Florida and they would
return with large garbage cans full of shrimp, Again $1.00 a head. The best
party was when Cy Wilson was able to have the USAF band [ the old Glen Miller
Band ] at our base for a dance when the Wing returned from a long TDY trip to
Since I was wearing two
and sometimes three sun tan uniforms a day and Mildred needed someone to watch
the kids when she wanted to play bridge, we hired a very obese but also very
lovely black lady named Leola. She ironed all of my uniforms and even cooked
chicken for us when she came. One day there was a terrible storm coming with
possible tornadoes. The children were left out of school early and were told
to get into the fireplace as a safe place to be if a tornado did come by. When
we arrived home there was Jay and Gail and Leola huddled in the fireplace. She
said 'Miss Millie, they made me get into the fireplace with them '. We
loved her and hated to see her go when we were transferred to Calif. We had
kind of adopted her as one of the family.
On the property
that we rented there were several large pecan trees. Millie would pick up the
pecans and sell them and made quite a few dollars spending money.
There was a lot of
activity on the base such as a picnic area, boat dock on the Flint river,
officers club dinners and dances, swimming pool etc,. etc,. All in all, life
was quite pleasant and we look back on it as one of our memorable experiences.
Ann Stratton, G.B. Stratton, Hank,
Hank, Jay, Gail
Herb Ricord
Turner AFB was picked
as a spot to try 'Racing on the runways' where we would close the base to
flying and race cars would compete on those runways. It brought a great crowd
to the base and some money was made for various base activities. I was asked
to go to Atlanta and pick up a new Jaguar convertible to display during the
festivities. I returned with it late one night and one minute later my Wing
Commander Col. Cy Wilson was at the door wanting the keys. Quite a few people
got to drive it and when
Outdoor kitchen. Vicki, Betty Kanig, Al Kanig, Millie
I returned it to the Atlanta dealer in was quite a mess. General LeMay
attended the event and when a sergeant reminded him that there was no smoking
in the airplane hanger and that it might catch on fire, The General remarked
'It wouldn't dare'.
My Mother came to live
with us for awhile and also my brother Victor and his wife Eleanor were there
for a visit. During these visits we would always have a continuous party and
all the cooking was shared by the neighbors on an outside grill.
On one of my Mothers
visit via the local airport, a large group of us assembled to greet her
arrival. We made large signs that read 'Welcome IDA, Newark's loss.
Albany's gain, etc,'. Then we would form a motorcade and parade all the
way to our house. The Gulf of Mexico wasn't that far away and every once in
awhile we would send someone to the coast to buy several sacks of oysters and
then we would have a feast consisting of beer, oysters and fresh corn. We used
old doors set on wooden horses as the table on which to open the oysters.
My brother Victor and
his wife Eleanor came down for a visit and stayed four or five days. We ate
outside for every meal and lots of friends came by to eat with us and bring
food or cook. Millie didn't cook a meal the whole time. Great sport for all.
A fellow officer was
building a very nice brick house and I mentioned to him that if he didn't
want it that I would buy it. About a week later he got orders to transfer and
I bought the house for $11,000 dollars. The best thing that I ever did because
since then we have bought and sold houses and actually lived rent free for
years. Wish that I could have afforded to keep them because I would have a lot
more money today. When we left we sold this house and made a nice profit.
property also had three pecan trees and with the profits from the nuts that
Millie picked, we were able to carpet the house and pay the years taxes. Gail
and Jay went to school in town and had a pretty stable and quiet environment
to grow up in., One Sunday they were asked to leave the Sunday school bus for
singing one of my ribald songs titled 'Sipping Bourbon Through A Straw'.
Millie and her friend
Betty Kanig were driving to the base one day when the car was broad sided.
Betty was O K but Millie slid under the dashboard and both of her ankles were
sprained. She had to get around by bumping her rear along the ground. The
other drivers insurance wanted to settle and offered Millie a few dollars and
I also received a few for the loss of her 'Services'
During this period all
Strategic Air Command crew members were scheduled for survival school and
training. This was primarily designed for bomber crews but later on the
Fighter Pilots were included. I took the first group to Camp Carson Co. in the
winter time. I had eleven pilots with me. The idea was that we would spend the
first night in camp, be given a case of rations each [no one could carry a
full case so we picked out the cans that we liked and left the rest] The
instructors were Army troops mounted on mules and they were out to intercept
and capture us. They didn't plan for Ist Lt John H. Meierdierck!'.
The next morning I
ordered all of my people to stay in their sleeping bags until I told them it
was safe to get out. We could hear the mule troops going by and firing ammo to
intimidate us but I let them pass and then we started out, leisurely, way
behind them. They could look all that they wanted to up front, but they
wouldn't find us.
It was a rough trip
through the mountains and we had to carry a 45 lb. generator with which to
check in every night. It was hand cranked to give it power. We traded off the
chore of carrying it and it was kind of foolish because a fighter pilot
wouldn't have one in his plane. They had lots of dumb rules.
We were told that at a
certain spot in the mountains, there would be a cache of food that we could
have if we could liberate it. We did, but it was the same junk that we chose
not to take with us originally. This kind of irritated me so that night we
raided the mule troops camp and stole a lot of their food like eggs, ham,
bread, coffee etc,. They didn't like that.
Finding more food was a
problem and one evening we made a stew with some fish, squirrels, roots etc,.
It was very good and when I got my second helping, there was a squirrel skull
right in the middle of my bowl. One of our pilots, a Lt Stevens always lagged
behind and since I couldn't hold up the group for him, I would tell him
where to find us and late in the evening he would stagger into camp, with his
pack dragging against his knees and completely worn out. We fed him and put
him to bed and the next day it was the same thing. [He was shot down in Korea
and I worried that he wouldn't survive the rigors of POW camp, but he did
and was repatriated.]
On we went and finally
arrived at the marshaling area where we were to be picked up and driven back
to Camp Carson. Here come the trucks, racing madly and several hit the one in
front when they came to a stop. I wasn't about to let these drivers
jeopardize my troops so I commandeered the trucks, put the drivers in the back
and made my Lieutenants drive back to camp.
This and my other
actions didn't set well with the Army. A Czech officer [Lt. Col. Stampados]
who had infiltrated and crossed the German lines many times was given a direct
commission as a Lt. Col. in the U S Army, was in charge of the survival
school. He pressed charges against me and wanted to court marshal me but I did
the same thing to him and we were at a stalemate and the whole issue was
finally dropped.
The pilots were also
forced to go to jungle survival in the Okefenokee swamp in Georgia. Again I
ran into a problem when the instructor tried to tell us that if we went down
in the arctic, to build a teepee with our parachute. Ridiculous!! First there
wasn't any trees for the poles, second, the wind would blow it away and what
you needed to do to survive was to build a low level block ice hut to keep
warm, block the wind and be at least a little comfortable. General Olds was in
the class. I ended up cutting some cypress stumps [for the next 40 years the
Mc Murray family and the Meierdiercks exchanged one of the stumps at
Christmas] and bringing them home in the back of his staff car. Some months
later, the General was dancing with Mildred when he asked her 'Should we
send Hank to another survival school?'. Mildred quickly replied ' I
don't see why General, he hasn't passed one yet '. Actually I could
teach the course a hell of a lot better than the instructors.
I had orders to attend
Instrument Instructors school at Tyndall AFB and we moved down to Florida and
had a very nice time at the beach. I flew the course in B-25s, a twin engine
bomber similar to the ones that Lt Col Billy Mitchell and crews flew to bomb
Tokyo. The course ended just in time for me to return to Turner AFB and deploy
to Japan for 9 months.
I was also assigned the
duty as the USAF Project Officer for a Fighter Celestial Navigation Test
Program and I worked with my consultant Charles Blair, a very well known
pilot. I would take off in an F-84 with Charlie on my wing and then navigate
strictly by my sightings of the Sun and Moon. My 'shots' were preplanned
and by comparing the actual shots with the preplanned, I could determine my
ground speed and flight line. The system worked and I proved the concept but
it was impractical for everyday operations.
I further did some test
work on the F-84 and went to Edwards AFB Ca. for these flights. There I met
many famous pilots including Jacqueline Cochran but she and I didn't hit it
off too well when I chided her on her first jet ride. To elaborate, While on
the ramp one morning I saw a pilot get into a T-33 airplane and the pilot
seemed to be wearing lipstick. I had good eyes in those days. Al and I went
into the Republic Aviation hanger and mentioned it to Tiny Trasker, the
Republic station chief. 'Yes', he said, 'that was Jacqueline Cochran and
she is getting her first jet ride today'.
The power controls on
jets are a lot more 'TOUCHY' than the controls on other airplanes and the
pilots on their fist flight generally over control and they rock their wings
till they get the hang of it. Well, Jacqueline did that. She landed a short
while later and came into the Republic hanger. We were there to meet her.
She entered the hanger
just beaming. Upon being introduced to her I congratulated her and said ' I
won a sizable wager on your flight today' Still smiling she said ' How did
that happen?' I replied 'I bet my friend Al a nickel, that when you took
off that you would wave the wings at everybody and you sure did'!!. She
turned RED. I said 'Pleased to meet you Mam' and we went out the door.
When Al and I returned
to Georgia after completing the test program, we each brought our wives a fur
jacket. Where did we get them??? The answer remains a secret.
Between overseas
temporary duty deployments of up to six months, we were generally able to get
to New Jersey for Christmas, a 24 hour fast auto trip
We spent about six
years at the base assigned to both the 31st and 508th Fighter Wings. All good
things must come to and end and one day I was asked if I would volunteer for
an assignment that was highly classified and I said 'YES'.
A lot of the happenings
that occurred during this period were and still are highly classified. I went
TDY every week, and sometimes didn't get home for two or more weeks. I was
not able to tell her where I was or what I was doing but we trusted each other
and we both survived until the 'Program' was completed. Millie had to do
everything without my help. My Mother was living with her and I'm sure that
this eased the burden.
The flying portion will
be found in another section, so this may be a short chapter. When I received
orders to report to March AFB in Riverside Ca., I had to leave my family at
Albany GA. I got to fly back for a weekend now and then. I found a nice house
at 4505 Gay Way in Riverside Ca. and bought it. I was given permission to fly
to Georgia and drive my family to California. We purchased a 'CHEAP'
Chevrolet for the trip, big mistake.
The movers and packers
came to our Georgia house after we had left. Our instruction to a neighbor was
to ship everything, and she did. Upon unpacking we found the burned briquettes
from the grill, neatly packed.
We loaded the Chevrolet
with Millie and I in the front, Grandma, Gail, Jay and Vicki in a bassinet, in
the back. We opened the door and told Nicodemus, our Boxer to get in. Somehow
he found a spot on the rear floor. We towed a very small luggage trailer
loaded with Christmas presents and off we drove.
The trip was without
any real problems and when we arrived in Riverside, I drove out to the new
house to show it to the family and here came the moving van with our household
possessions. We started unpacking and stayed right there. It was a nice house
with a garage and fireplace and we all enjoyed having our own house again.
On one of my short and
infrequent weekends home, I took Jay with me while I purchased some auto
supplies. I left him in the toy department and went on my way. Later that
afternoon, he was scheduled to go to a neighbors birthday party. He wasn't
any where to be seen and after searching the neighborhood with no luck, we
called the police During their questioning of me about his clothing, they
asked 'What color are his shoes?'. This struck a note and I remembered
that I had left him in the toy store. He was there when I returned and all
ended well and Jay had a new toy.
My work was at the
Nevada Test Site [Area 51 ] and I flew there every Monday, if I happened to
have been home that weekend but generally I only got home every second or
third week. During a short break we took the wives for a trip to Las Vegas.
This proved very expensive since I never did leave a Casino ahead of the game.
It didn't bankrupt me though since I had been winning several hundred
dollars each week in the continuous poker game at our operating site.
This is, of course,
taking place during the time that I was testing, training and developing the
U-2. Mildred didn't know what I was doing until years later. The effort
proved to be very rewarding and the intelligence that was gathered was a
deciding factor in our winning the cold war. Of note is the fact that at the
present time [2003] I am the Honorary Chairman of a committee to have a
National Monument placed on Mt. Charleston, very near Las Vegas NV. to honor
14 people that were killed in a C-54 crash and also all the people that were
involved in the U2 effort. It is named the 'National Cold War Memorial'
and will ultimately honor all the Cold War participants. [see also 'silent
heroes of the Cold War'] This effort keeps me busy with attending meetings
and giving talks to various groups. On a recent nationwide drive I spoke to
seven different groups. The bill authorizing this monument has passed the
Nevada legislature and the Congressional bill is awaiting President Bush
We trained three groups
of pilots, deployed them overseas and then checked out the USAF pilots and I
left the program. [See FLYING for details] I received orders to be transferred
to England and after a trip back to N J, we boarded the USS Buckner for the
trip across the Atlantic.
Enroute to the
departure docks in Brooklyn. I became very ill and in fact had to stop the car
and throw up. At the boat, I went to see a Navy Doctor. He gave me some good
advice. Have a couple 'Bloody Marys' and go ahead on the trip. I did and
made it OK.
We had happy hour every
night in one of our staterooms but this caused me an unforeseeable problem. In
my cabin, the gang all drank my Bourbon. In their cabin they only had Scotch
so I had to drink my Bourbon. After a few days, I ran out of Bourbon. Now I
have the dilemma of how to acquire more Bourbon?. The very next morning I was
talking to a Captain, as we leaned against the railing, and I was lamenting
the fact that I was out of booze. He volunteered the information that he
wasn't feeling too good but had two fifths of Bourbon that he would sell to
me for five dollars a bottle. That is what I call 'A Stroke Of Good Fortune.
We enjoyed the boat
trip across since we were assigned one of the better cabins. The weather was
nice and the water calm. We arrived at Southampton and was met by our good
friends the Delaps. They had a small apartment ready for us and we settled in.
I reported for work the next day and was very disappointed to find that I
would be assigned to the Command Post and the Launch Authority for all the
bombers in England. UGH
On my very first day on
the job a Captain came to me and said 'I hear that you like to hunt geese.
'I of course said 'Yes'. He then mentioned that he was going to hunt
geese with a buddy and the buddy couldn't go and would I like to go to
Scotland with him for a week??. Just a minute and I'll let you know. I asked
my boss if I could have a week of leave. He was flabbergasted but said
'Yes.' I went home, told Millie and the next day I was on my way to
Scotland. It was a great hunt.
Several of our friends
from the U-2 program also came to England so we had good friends in a strange
country. A few weeks after arrival, we found a pretty nice house whose address
was Westcott on Ridgeway, in Gerrards Cross, Bucks. Yes, that was it. We had
several Au Pair girls come and stay with us and they were a great help for
Mildred. Helga came from Germany and ?? came from Norway plus one from England
and Ireland. Having them there gave us a lot of freedom to visit and sightsee.
The black fogs were a
great problem. One evening we went to the theater and the fog rolled in and
was so thick that we could not see the screen. I had the headlights on my 1955
Oldsmobile convertible focused down and to the left since we drove on the left
side of the road. Another evening when we were returning home, the fog came
in. I put the car in low gear, had the windshield wipers on, was walking along
and steering from outside and was using a flashlight to see the curb and still
ran into a brick wall. Sometimes it was patchy and you would run in and out of
it. So it went.
An evening out, about
once a month was always an exciting affair for the group of officers that came
over with me from the U2 outfit. We took turns at being responsible for all
arrangements. One of the more memorable evenings was a trip to London and
dinner at The GORE Hotel. Upon entering, a very buxomous young lady took your
hat and she carried it away lying on her protruding breasts. A good start. The
dining room was reminiscent of an old English castle. Complete with Mead,
family style service with enough 'Wenchs ' for all. We had rooms at the
Columbia Club and spent the night in London.
We made many trips to
London and saw all of the sights. Even saw the Queen and Prince Philip in
their carriage just before the Ascot races. Trooping of the colors, tattoos
etc, were always fun to witness. Shopping at Portobello road was a must on
every trip to town, in fact, Millie purchased our complete Silver Tea Service
there. The US Military had a hotel in London called the Columbia Club and when
we went for dinner or a show, we would spend the night there, a great saving
in hotel rates.
With the Ricord family,
we took a tour of most of England including Stonehenge, the South and West
coasts, King Arthur's legendary castle Tintagle and everything in between.
Millie and I at going away party from High Wycombe UK
1959 |
Since we had a
housemaid we took advantage of the freedom and took Gail and Jay on a bus trip
through Italy. This proved to be well worth the effort. We left London by bus
to Southampton, by boat to Le Havre France, a train through Switzerland and
then a tour bus through Italy. We visited all the important scenic spots.
Pisa, Lake Garda, Rome and all the Cathedrals, Vatican museum and the Sistine
Chapel. Gail and Jay went on to the ruins of Pompei. A great trip and Gail and
Jay remember it today. It seemed that every lunch and dinner was pasta,
sometimes without sauce, and with the wine of the province. When we arrived
home, Helga had dinner ready for us, spaghetti.!!!
While I walked through the
Forum with Gail and Jay, Millie walked along the road that paralleled the
ruins. A young Italian was walking near her and intimated that he wanted to be
with her!. Millie couldn't talk Italian so she showed him her ring and
raised three fingers while shouting 'Three Bambinos'. This convinced him
and he left.
At Lake Garda we rented
a speedboat and I went for a water skiing ride. There was a small chop on the
water. The driver 0f the boat went about three miles down the lake and when I
signaled Millie to turn around, I went inside the turn and ended up in the
She finally convinced
the driver to turn back and get me. I was so fatigued that I barely could hang
onto the boat and needed the driver to pull me on board and I didn't have a
life preserver on. DUMB and they almost lost me.
We moved several times
in the three years that we were in England. In one house we had central
heating [a pot stove of coke that had to have the clinker removed quite
frequently, this barely warmed the one radiator], Electric heaters, coal oil
and kerosene heaters, paving blocks, wood, coal and anything that would burn
in the small fireplace. All the electricity was 220 volts so we had to have
transformers placed in several locations in order to use our appliances.
Gasoline was very expensive but the Military could purchase it at the base for
25 cents a gallon plus we could use the Commissary and Base Exchange.
We made several good
friends among the British but in general, they don't like us. The only
similarity between the two groups is that the language is only slightly the
same. The country is chilly and damp. The daily weather forecast was
'Changeable with bright periods'. We did enjoy their culture and country
but their is no desire to return. So much for England.
When my rotation to
return to the States was near, I made several wagers that I would return to a
Fighter assignment and I won. My next assignment was as Director Of Operations
at Oxnard AFB in California flying The F-101 Voodoo Interceptor. We flew back
to N.J. and then drove to California.
Oxnard AFB had several
qualities that made it a very desirable place to be. Excellent quarters, near
the ocean and Los Angeles, small base, great airplanes and a very mild climate
in which they grew many fruits and vegetables. My job was of interest and I
got to fly the F-101B.
Things were very quiet
and I decided to finish my education. The Air Force allowed me to return to
the Universary of Maryland for two semesters and I received my Bachelors
degree in Military Science. This was in 1962 and I was over 40 years old. What
a great way to go to college. A new sports car full of whisky and a pocket
full of flying pay and all tuition paid. I drove back to Maryland in my Austin
Healy Sprite that I had purchased in England. My other car at this time was a
1955 Oldsmobile convertible, White and turquoise with a continental tire kit.
While at Oxnard AFB in
Oxnard Calif., from 1959 till 1962, I was the Director of Operations for the
414th Fighter Interceptor group and flew the F101B interceptor. To check out I
had to first show my
McDonald F 101B Intercep |
Jet skill by taking a flight in a T-33, a two place jet. Remember all the
experience that I had in this type at Area 51 and in the Icy flights to
Europe???. Well a young Lt. Flew with me. Right after takeoff he declared,
simulated flameout. I casually called the tower and asked for permission to
land downwind since it was a calm day and that was the safest thing to do.I
told the Lt. That I would touch down at the 500' mark, and did and then
continued on the takeoff.
Again, when we got to
about 500' altitude, he declared another simulated. I said that this time I
would land on the active runway about 500' down, and did. Then continued on
off and up to about 500' when he declared the third simulated flameout. This
time I told him that I would again touchdown at the same spot, and did. He
said 'That's all Sir' and I taxied in. He said 'thank you, well
done' and from then on I had the respect of all the Pilots in the group. The
Old Man could fly.
Gail met an airman here
and was married. I had bought a Sprite sports car in England and Millie and I
would take it on trips alone, since it was only a two-seater and we would be
free of the kids for a spell. Gail drove it now and then but had a very
terrible crash in it but luckily, she and her girlfriend were not injured. She
was grounded for quite a while though.
After three years at
Oxnard, I knew that I would soon be transferred but I wanted to find a good
spot on my own. I took a jet back East and roamed the halls of the Pentagon. I
lucked into bumping into an old friend and he sent me to the officer in charge
of assignments who after talking to me for awhile stated 'You are just what
we are looking for ' What do you want me to do??. Nothing , go back to
Oxnard and I will send orders. What will be my job?. Don't ask, just go
home. I did and the very next day a wire from Hdq. USAF came down through
channels and all that it said was 'You will reassign Lt. Col. Meierdierck
immediately to Washington D.C. Upon arrival the officer will call phone number
'!!!!!! and We were on our way again and I was back on exchange duty with
We had recently
purchased our first travel trailer, parked it in the driveway and had Happy
Hour in it most every night. It was an oddity at this time and many of the
base personnel joined in with us. We loaded the Thunderbird, hooked up the
trailer and headed East to a new life.
In my new
assignment, I was an Air Force officer on exchange duty with CIA. The position
was supposed to be classified but it didn't take long for the neighbors to
know what I was up to. We bought a house in Vienna VA. in a development being
built by Yeonas Co. It was a very nice house, even air conditioned. The trees
on the lot were beautiful in the fall. In fact, the whole area is ablaze in
color in the fall. My office wasn't too far away so I missed the D C
commuter problem. We added a carport, enclosed stairs and a deck in the back.
One of our close
neighbors was the chief of White House Security and we got to meet some very
influential people. I was extremely busy with my job and did a lot of
traveling to the west coast. The family settled down to a routine and Jay
stated that DC was a great place to start dating since there were many free
things to do and see. Gail had been married when we were in Oxnard so we just
had Jay and Vicki.
Millie and I bought a
nice travel trailer and went to many of the beaches on the Chesapeake and
Atlantic ocean. The Virginia heat, mosquitoes, traffic and having to load on
Friday, drive, drive home, unload and then do it again the next week proved a
real chore so we sold it and stayed home. There was enough to keep us busy
right around D.C. The Washington weather varies from day to day. Hot sticky
summers to cold winters. We even had a blizzard and were snowed in for three
days. The White House sent some Army trucks to dig out my security friend so I
then hired an end loader to dig the way to my house and we could get out but
there weren't many places where the roads were open.
My job was secure when
suddenly, the Air Force decided to retire me with 22 years service. O K, my
boss General Jack Ledford told me to come to work at the same desk on the day
after I retired and I had a good job, more money and was still collecting all
my retired pay. One of the original 'Double Dippers'. Couldn't happen to
a nicer guy !.
I was deeply involved
with the YF-12 A ,the Oxcart Program and the SR-71 even got the fly the
Lockheed YF12A. |
Pictured to the left is
the actual airplane that I checked out in and that could very well be one of
my takeoffs.
I was kept busy but I
did have some spare time while I was in D.C. I decided to write a book!! I
researched, took the photos, wrote the narrative, helped print and collate it,
paid all the expenses but then I never did sell more than 5 copies. The book
was titled 'The Statues Of Washington D.C.'. I have many copies in my
storage room If you plan a trip East, let me know. It is cataloged in the
Library of Congress. My previous efforts along this vein were several
songbooks and the photos and narrative of the first mass Trans-Pacific flight
by single engine jet fighters. It is named 'Fox Peter One'. I have a copy
on my book shelf.[note: I tell the whole story of this flight under Flying]
Life was all roses. I
was flying, traveling, making enough money, welcome in high levels of
government, nice house, we were all healthy and the kids were doing their
thing and having fun. Everything changes, without fail. I was asked one day if
I wanted to be program manager for a new RPV [remotely piloted vehicle] and of
course I said YES. [Project Aquiline] It entailed a move to Las Vegas NV. and
daily commuting to Area 5 but I was the boss of a new aircraft concept. Here
we go again and we moved to Las Vegas and bought a really beautiful house,
5100 square feet with a 40 by 25 foot heated pool. We settled in again and
purchased another travel trailer.
I was gone every day
but generally was able to fly home most evenings. I had a pretty good team but
the contractor, Mc Donnell Douglas gave me a hard time and didn't progress
as fast as they should have. They were also trying to cheat the USA out of
about $11 million dollars. I took them to CIA headquarters, made them present
their case. I refuted their assertions and at the end of the presentation, the
senior people asked me what I thought that I should do?. I said 'Sir, since
these people are lying, trying to cheat us out of all those millions and the
program is not going where it should be, I suggest that we cancel the
program'. They agreed and I didn't have a job. I went back to Virginia and
in a few weeks decided to retire and here we are.
My Mother was living
with us during this period and she was getting pretty old. She fell twice and
broke her hip both times and finally, I couldn't handle her anymore and
neither could Millie when I was gone. I had to put her in a nursing home. Some
months later most of her bodily functions were failing. I called my three
brothers, explained the problem and all three suggested that I pull the life
support systems and she passed on.
Jay had been off to
college at Arizona State and had gotten married, Vicki was still around the
house but when she turned 21, she got a job dealing blackjack and moved out.
Millie and I were left alone in the big house. I spent a lot of time traveling
with the trailer, fishing etc,. and the house was a burden for her so we sold
it and moved into a Mobile Home Park, where we are today.
One of the traditions
of the 'Ranch hands' [the original U2 group] was to rotate responsibility
for a get together or a reunion. The DeLaps lived in Lexington, KY and when
their turn came, we all went to the Kentucky Derby. Jack worked at The
University so he was able to arrange for us to be in the infield at the finish
line. This worked great since we arrived on an Air Force bus and were driven
to the infield where we had strong security and no one else was allowed into
the area.
One of our group, Jerry
Johnson was with some friends in the stands 'Do you know how many people
were in the stands?'. Well, just before the race started, I said that I
would look for him. I raised the binoculars, looked at a spot and there was
Jerry waving back at me. Unbelievable coincidence.
The races were interesting and I think that I won about $17 that day.