the CIA declassifying Projects Aquatone and Oxcart at Area 51 has emerged
stories of startup companies and obscure companies fronting for other companies
in the interest of secrecy and national security. Among such companies was
Firewel, who pioneered the development of high altitude oxygen systems, testing
them on monkeys and advancing to pilots in the X-15, U-2, and A-12. Until now,
Firewel has been a footnote in the emerging legacy of the Roadrunners of Area
51. The employees of the company, being a proud component of Roadrunners
Internationale, with the following account establish the legacy of Firewel.
In 1946 two Scott Aviation alumni glanced around the basement of their home at
135 Aurora Street in Lancaster, New York and decided it would be a good place to
launch a company they named Firewel. Philip Edward (Ed) Meidenbauer, Jr. was the
President, Donald Nesbitt, a ceramics engineer, was the Vice President. Ed, a
self-taught mechanical engineer, had been Director of Oxygen Research at Scott
Aviation, where he developed the original Air-Pak. Ed's brother, Clifford
Meidenbauer, a Signals Corp officer during World War II, joined Ed and Donald as
the financial officer of their new company, Firewel.
Operating from the basement amidst Lois Meidenbauer's
home-canned peaches and jellies, near the old furnace, and around the corner
from her laundry room, the company began building furnace burners that would
convert old coal furnaces to oil or gas. Workers trooped into the house and down
the cellar stairs where they hammered out the burners. Buyers and suppliers
conducted their business with the company from the living room sofa, often
charmed by Ed's youngest daughter who loved to toddle to them and crawl into
their laps. By 1947 the company had advanced from coal furnace conversions to a
full line of furnaces.
On the outside events were occurring that would
eventually drastically change the company. In March 1946, the first US-built
rocket left earth's atmosphere, reaching an altitude of 50 miles at about the
same time Ed was leaving Scott. A month later in April, the US Navy revealed it
had created an 8,000 horsepower aircraft rocket engine. On August 27, a pilot
ejector seat was tested successfully at Wright Field.
In October 1947, the US Air Force became independent of
the Army and on the 14th Air Force test pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound
barrier, reaching 600 mph in a Bell X-1 rocket plane. On February 28th, 1948,
Yeager exceeded the speed of sound again in a Bell XS-1. And on August 8, 1949,
pilot Frank Everest climbed to 63,000 feet in the Bell X-1.
Because of their technical background, Firewel's
principals decided to add a corporate focus on future of high altitude military
flight, where innovative kinds of breathing apparatus would be needed. Ed, Don,
and Cliff saw this as a means of expanding their business and contacted various
individuals they had known during the war. Their original development contract
was for $80,000 followed by an additional $70,000 extension.
In 1951 Ed and Firewel were contacted to solve problems
with the regulators for the prototype Navy space suit being developed by David
Clark Company and the BF Goodrich Company. Designing and manufacturing small
valves, regulators and system, Firewell advanced application and technology of
an aircraft mounted regulator to pressurize the facepiece and capstans of early
partial pressure suits. The partial pressure suit was used to provide counter
pressure to the torso and facepiece of a pilot if exposed to the barometric
pressure at altitudes of 40,000 feet or higher. Firewel equipped the space suit
with the instrumentation and controls, oxygen breathing and ventilating systems
that automatically protected the wearer from the elements and hazards of space.
The suit design was designed for such hazards as blood-draining acceleration,
blood-boiling low pressure, and from cosmic rays and extreme temperatures.
The Model 1-A, a prototype stratospheric suit, was
designed with a Firewel regulator that supplied an oxygen and air mixture on
demand or pure oxygen under pressure. Breathing of oxygen was accomplished
through a mask attached to a standard naval aviator's crash helmet.
In 1952, seven years after much of the patented
technology groundwork was laid, President Ed Meidenbauer died. He was succeeded
by Donald Nesbitt with Clifford Meidenbauer continuing to handle financial
matters. By 1956 Firewel employed 140 people and was a multi-million-dollar
By the mid-1950?s, Firewel's specialty of high altitude
regulators was exceeding the production of all their larger competitors. The
company's aeronautical division with only one-third of the employees, accounted
for almost 70 percent of the firm's business. In part, this was attributed to
Firewel's new concepts in oxygen equipment and survival system that were
integral to the pilot's personal flight gear and part of the state-of-the-art
military planes being developed at the time.
Firewel had designed new valves and incorporated them
into the pilot's parachute pack rather than the instrument console. Oxygen hoses
and radio communications wiring were miniaturized. Firewel developed delicate
silicon diaphragms strengthened with nylon filament. The switch from regular to
bailout oxygen was made automatic rather that manual upon pilot ejection. This
was a new concept in oxygen equipment and survival systems, whereby the
equipment was an integral part of the pilot's personal flight gear. Firewel
first developed the miniaturized mask-mounted oxygen system for the US Navy
pilots flying the A-3D Skywarrior, F-4D Skyray, and the F-8U Crusader. Firewel
became a major player with the Air Force and Navy in the development of
breathing apparatus for high altitude flight. The Firewel-built survival kit was
a soft pack interfaced with the aircraft oxygen supply and connected to the
pilot by two hoses. One hose provided breathing oxygen from the miniature
regulator to the facepiece and chest bladder, the other was connected to the
capstans of the partial pressure suit. Microphone and earphone wiring harness as
well as power to heat the facepiece of the partial pressure suit was integrated
into the hoses of the survival kit. The emergency oxygen supply in the survival
kit was manually actuated by pulling a cable that terminated in a green ball
commonly referred to as "the green apply". The soft pack survival kit
was used because the earlier versions of the U-2 aircraft did not have an
ejection seat. The soft pack survival kit thereafter evolved into a rigid hard
shell kit and was used with all century series aircraft. Field service
representatives, trained and deployed from Area 51 "Watertown" with
the original three detachments of the U-2 programs in 1956. Subsequent
deployment of Air Force programs was similarly staffed at all locations as these
programs evolved.
By the late 1950's the Firewel production line was
producing a 100 man oxygen regulator, oxygen bottle and mask, anti-g gloves, a
"Global Survival Kit," for pilot ejection seats, pressure regulators
for flight suits and helmets, a back pack oxygen manifold, "Get Me
Down" oxygen supplies, a back pan oxygen assembly, disconnect couplings,
oxygen gauges, and a space vehicle pressure reducer. It was during this time
frame that the company became involved with design of high altitude breathing
apparatus and life support for the ultrasecret Lockheed U-2 CIA spyplane being
test flown at Area 51.
After 12 years as a discrete company, Firewel was sold
in 1958 to Aro Equipment Company of Ohio. At the time Firewel had 440 local
In 1959, Aro-Firewel-designed environmental regulating
system successfully sustained monkeys Able and Baker in a space capsule launch
to research biological effects of flight. The company's oxygen high altitude
regulators had been used in every record flight since 1951 and were now being
tested by Neil Armstrong in the X-15.
In the early 1960's, ARO/FIRWEL was again contracted to design and develop a
complete respiratory life support system for the various versions of the
Blackbird. Specifications for the oxygen supply systems and pilot respiratory
equipment required redundancy. Therefor complete dual systems were created. They
included dual oxygen supplies, a dual oxygen control panel, a dual ejection seat
disconnect, dual supply hoses to the pressure suit, a full pressure suit
controller with redundant back up, and a dual helmet mounted breathing
regulator. Additionally the survival kit contained dual emergency oxygen
supplies, regulators and hoses that interfaced with the pilot. The pressure suit
employed on these aircraft was of the full pressure type where the pilot was
totally encapsulated in the pressure suit that maintained an absolute pressure
of 3.5 psi at altitudes of 35,000 feet and higher. Total encapsulation
necessitated the need for body cooling therefore an adjustable flow control
valve was provided to regulate the engine bleed air used for suit ventilation.
Dual emergency oxygen supplies were incorporated into the rigid survival kit.
Actuation was automatically upon ejection or manually. The aircraft oxygen
supply was originally specified as compressed high pressure, however the systems
were converted to low pressure liquid oxygen. ARO/Firewel also provided large
100-liter liquid nitrogen systems used for fuel inerting.
In 1968, Aro moved production to its Ohio headquarters, but let the aerospace
engineering and development entity remain in western New York. In 1985 Todd
Shipyards bought the business from Aro. Ingersoll Rand took over the group in
1990. Carlton Controls, which was founded by a former employee, bought the
aerospace aspect of the business in 1993, and continues to produce devices for
high altitude and space flight.
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